Thursday, October 31, 2019

The Theme in Everyday Use Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Theme in Everyday Use - Essay Example But the author of this short story, Walker, appreciates that Africa-Americanism is a component of both African and American and denying the American perspective of one’s heritage amounts to disrespecting one’s ancestors. The theme in this short story is propagated with the return of Dee, the educated member of the family, together with her male companion to their home to meet her mother and Maggie, deeply rooted in the African culture. Walker uses characterization appropriately, upholds the African heritage and supports the argument that heritage is part of everyday human life. She therefore uses Mama, Maggie and Dee as the principal characters in propagating the main theme: in everyday life, there is harmony and conflict in Africa-American culture. In the beginning, Walker, the author and narrator, later to be identified as Mrs. Johnson or Mama narrates in first person how they were waiting in the yard with Maggie, her daughter. Whitsitt (447) symbolically views this a s a wait for their redemption from lack of education due to being enclosed in their rural surrounding for a long time, with the use of first person making the readers feel like they have to be with the narrator. She moves from describing the yard to talk of how Maggie would be nervous with her sister coming home because of her burn scars. She definitely feels inferior to Dee, her sister who had opportunities in life unlike Maggie. The narrator contrasts these sisters by describing Dee as a guest in a TV show, a sign of her glamour. The narrator describes her dream being congratulated in a TV show in which she appears with her daughter for raising a fine girl like her. This moves from a dream to reality where the narrator portrays this Mama with masculine attributes which sharply contrasts the glittering representation on the TV show hosted by Johnny Carson in a dress with a flower. ‘Everyday Use’ contrasts the lifestyle in urban and rural paradigms to propagate its main theme. Mama points out that the daughter does not appreciate her as what she would like to be – â€Å"a hundred pound lighter, skin like an uncooked barley pancake† and have a â€Å"witty tongue† (Walker 89). The plot indicates a switched perspective where Maggie came out asking how she looked in red blouse and pink skirt. It would be appreciated that all main characters change in the story which indicates the use of change by Walker to support her theme in the story. In spite of Maggie trying to make herself presentable, the narrator compares her to a lame animal, â€Å"perhaps a dog run over by some careless person rich enough to own a car† (Walker 89). But she admits that she has a better figure and is lighter than Dee, reminding her of how she got saved from their burning house twelve years ago. Therefore, the plot of this short story gives a clear indication of the tension between the family and Dee because this elder daughter had acquired outside e ducation. This detaches her from the normal usefulness which revolved around the house and land and appreciates education more together with ethereal usefulness. She describes her daughter, Maggie as shy and rather unattractive with scarred soul. Lovingly, she admits that â€Å"like good looks and money, quickness passed her by† (Walker 73). In spite of her stumbling as she reads, Mama still considers her a sweet person whom she can sing with in church. Maggie is content with their traditions and honors her

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Change managemaent models Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Change managemaent models - Essay Example The integral competent of every organization is to choose effectively change management models which can help to stay vibrant and gain competitive advantage over other rivals in the market. Three important change management models that organization must adopt are Bridge transition Model, Kotter 8 Step of Change management and Lewin change Management Model. The transition model of Bridge provides a solution for understanding the changes undergoing in an organization. The three phases of transition model are ending, neutral zone and new beginning. Ending phase process is to identify the reasons behind the changes and acknowledge openly the losses arising in an organization. The neutral zone phase is to reduce the deteriorating of motivation on individuals within the workplace. The neutral phase is the process of treating employees to fell as a part of change management process. The new beginning phase is to motivate and effectively communicate with the employees to make them understand about the purpose of implementation of change management process in organization. Change management model by Kotter suggests that the momentum of the change adopted in an organization must be maintained to maintain continuous cycle. First step is to increase the sense of urgency. Next step is to form a guiding and powerful team to resist the change in the workplace (Green, 2012). Next is to create strategy and vision for change. Then communicate the vision and strategy for change. Empower staff and remove the obstacles for application of change management. Next step is to create short term goals for organization. Then unite the gains and stay tenacious. Final step is to anchor the change which can help to make the change permanent. Change management model of Lewin is preferred by most of the companies to enact the changes in an organization due to its simplicity and easy to use. Three stages of the model are unfreezing, change and

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Effective Leadership In Nursing Practice

Effective Leadership In Nursing Practice Leadership is a trend of a crew and interactive it to people, encouraging, motivating and permitting them to underwrite to accomplishing organisational victory. The leadership requires being strategically focused and his performance practices to build obligation and achieve the best effort from your people. Leadership by invocation a variety of thoughts, reflections, image and include power, influence, followership, dynamic personality, charisma, goals, autocratic behaviour, innovation, cleverness, warmth and kindness. Leadership is help to do the right things to themselves and also for others. In set of direction, build an inspiring vision, and will create something new. Leadership will map out, where you need to go to win as a team or an organization. Mills. (2007). Leadership must continue in every healthcare facility where impression change and achieving high standards of patient care are stipulated in job titles, such as Director of Nursing, Nurse Consultant, or Modern Matron. Leadership combines the use of interpersonal skills to influence others to accomplish a specific goal. (Sullivan and Garland, 2010). Mentorship/leadership from senior leader smoothes is transitions from clinical roles to formal leadership roles. They must learn the business side of healthcare while maintaining the care side. -Kathleen Sanford, DBA, RN, FACHE; Senior Vice President, Chief Nursing Officer, Catholic Health Initiatives, Denver, Colorado. 2.0 Understanding on Leadership Styles There are numerous concepts about leadership styles, many relating a range two conflicting styles with an integer of intermediary stops amongst them. Well try here to contemporary four styles that review many of the standing theories, and to show how they interrelate with alternative, wide-ranging way of considering at leadership style. Krause, T. (2007). Autocratic. Autocratic leaders maintain on doing it all themselves. They have all the power to make all the judgments, and dont frequently tell anyone else approximately what theyre doing. If you work for an autocratic leader, your job is typically to do what youre expressed. Democratic. A democratic leader comprehends that there is no organization deprived of its people. He looks at his and others situations in terms of tasks rather than status, and often refers in decision-making as his own. He receives that expert also means the buck stops with him. Though he understands the organization as an obliging endeavour, he distinguishes that to face the significances of his choices alone. Laissez-Faire Leadership Style. A Laissez-Faire leadership may be the best or the poorest of leadership styles, also recognises as the hands-off ¨ style. He will afford little or no bearing gives to staff. Their will finish much liberty as feasible. All authority or rule given to the employees. They are analogous in that abstracted as passive prevention of problems, decision manufacture and answerability (Avolio et al., 1999). 3.0 Leadership Style Is Apparent In The Effective Provision Of Health Autocratic Leader is sustaining the specialist by force, gravity, pressures, compensation and judgment, or position. While, has perfect image, and potency or may not be track verdict the organization in the particular way, they not nervous with whether anybody else adopts with what they doing or not. Autocratic leadership to variety quick decision-making, and eradicates opinions over how and why belongings get done. If, as is repeatedly true, the lead was alarmed with his own control and standing, hell be observing over his assume, and touching to gurgle any disapproval to him or his thoughts and results. Novelty or the use of others thoughts is only allowable if its fragment of the leaders plan. Effects on the organization Autocratic leaders frequently dispensation fear and caution in their awaken and others in the organization incline to facsimile their defence of their situation. Habitually, autocratically -led organizations are not mostly supportive of special relationships, but much additional input to chain-of-command. Everyone has her individual sphere, and keeps it at all outlays. Communication inclines to go in solitary one direction up as a result of which report can become the normal way of scattering news in the organization. Autocratic leadership affords a stable and threatened work location and conclusive, active leadership. While the autocratic leaders are not insufferable and dreaded, but rather respected, and even precious be contingent on their own behaviours, example like anybody else or they can be enjoyable people, even eager to attend and act on others ideas- on the organization itself like armed or soldiers want somebody resolutely in charge. Democratic Leader, Recognises that there is no organization deprived of its people. He looks at his and others sites in standings of tasks rather than prestige, and often accesses in decision-making. While he petitions, ethics, and takes into reason others attitudes, however, he sees the vital responsibility for judgment making as his own. He accepts that authority also revenues the lowest stops with him. Democratic leadership invitations are the contribution of staff affiliates and others, not only in executive, but in determining the organizations vision. It agrees everyone to express sentiments about how things should be done, and where the organization should go. By carrying in everyones thoughts, it augments the organizations potentials. But it unmoving leaves the final choices about what to do with those philosophies in the indicators of a single person. Effects at the organization Democratic leadership, with its prominence on equivalent status, can inspire friendships and moral relationships during the organization. It benefits people sensation treasured when their ideas are solicited, and even further so if those estimations are merged into a final finding or policy. What a democratic leadership doesnt undeniably do while it can is create staff ownership of the organization and its areas. Although everybody may be demanded for philosophies or sentiments, not all of those are used or combined in the workings of the organization. If there is no actual conversation of ideas, with a subsequent overall agreement, a sense of ownership is improbable. Thus, democratic leadership may have some of the disadvantages of autocratic leadership a absence of buy-in deprived of the advantages of rapid and strong decision-making that originates with the removal of discussion. Laissez-Faire leader. Their believed in freedom of choice for employee and leaving them alone so they can do as they want. The basis for this style of leadership is twofold. Firstly, there is a strong belief that the employees know their jobs and best to leave them alone to do jobs. Secondly, the leader may be in a election-based position and may not want exert power and control for fear. There is virtually no participation, involvement, and to do communication in workforce. Laissez-faire leadership can only lead to anarchy, inefficiency and can be dismissed out of hand as useless. Effective of laissez-faire leadership seem to be negative. Empowering leadership, where leadership-power are deliberately and consciously delegated, organizational empowerment for overall acceptance of this vision is produced. This style of leadership works best when people are capable and motive to decide and are nit hindered by a central coordinator. Effects on the organization Leader behaviour on the organization has passive, non-directive approach. Almost any behaviour by the group is permissible due to the leaders lack of limit-setting and stated expectations All authority or power is given to the employees and they must determine their goal, make decisions and resolve problems on their own. The employees are high skilled, experienced, educated and they have pride in their work and also the drive to do it successfully on their own. Outside experts such as staff specialists are being used. The employees are trustworthy and experienced This style should not be used when it makes the employees feel in secure at the unavailability of manager. Leader is unable to thank the employees for their good job. This manager doesnt understand their responsibilities and hoping the employees can cover them. 4.0 Leadership Style Of A Leader That Facilitates Staff Development Both nurses and supervisors stated that it was characteristic for the democratic nurse manager to highlight teamwork and obligation to work. The employees had an option to voice their sentiments and take share in problem-solving and decision-making. Though, the nurse manager was eventually predictable to be a decision-maker Donley, R. (2008). Was different perception of the nurse manager position in these styles? On the hand, dome supervisor felt that nurse manager did not attitude out as managers, but as team members. This destined that the nurse manager individual tasks might be of subordinate importance. She is working a lot with us and she has difficulties performing her own duties as nurse manager. Supervisor said that a nurse consumed a significant role in collaboration and its growth with the members of dissimilar professional group and amid effort components. They services to get the personnel to promise to the joint goal were considered as noteworthy. Planning composed with the personnel moulded a foundation for employee commitment to work. This type of leadership defers to the group to help make decision. This can create an environment in which employees feel valued, but at the same time, it can take some of the leadership authority away from the leader. People will not expect the leader to make important decisions and will devalue their role in the organization. This can cause problem in the long run as it also leads to a slower process for getting things done. Sometime leader is firm, but unlike coercive leader, they also are fair. While this is an improvement, it still having problems. The disadvantage of this is that employees are still not given opportunity to provide feedback o suggest alternative methods for doing things. An experience leader will choose the leadership style that work best in any given situation. Example, when there an emergency Code Blue, on the other hand, she may be a directive autocrat who gives instructions unilaterally to less experienced nurse while she closely supervises their work. Some leadership used a dictating style when leading their employees. With style of leaderships, the leader will make every decision for the group and enforce it strictly. In some situations, this can be a benefit, but at the same time it can lead to problem with employees. If the employees know that they have no input in what goes on, they will get discouraged with their roles. Hey will simply defer to the manager in every area instead their own common sense as well. Critical and creative thinking about the nurses means that there is no time for cautious rumination and planning the nurses must rapidly take situation and produce a solution that is both efficient and causes minimal conflict. The leading nurses also predictable to exhibit creative thinking skill: and also exploit the time they have to safeguard that worker are not just current and working. Nurses attraction upon their original side to suggest new ways of carrying staff together and getting the job done well. The skills nurse required when a nurse graduates from school and yield his RN license, their mostly has basic leadership skills to smear to direct persistent care. As he willingness to variation nurse, nurse manager and, eventually, nurse need to learn more about leaderships. Its significant for a nurse to seek advice and mentoring from senior nurse leader who can provide truthful response about his leadership style. Importance nurse has trended toward a communal governance model of management that includes nurses in decisions moving their preparation. In that model, nurse manager uses a permissive democrat style, hopeful her nurses to actively contribute in clinical decision-making and monitoring their outcomes. The nurse executive, in turn, uses the same style to establish nursing councils with representation from staff nurses. One of the most common types of leadership will involves trying to manage every last detail of an operation. With this type of management, you might get to oversee more details, but you will also create resentment among your employees. Many employees do not like to be like to be micromanaged, and will start to dislike your leadership style. This type of leadership fosters distrust with employees because it makes them feel like you cannot trust them to do even the simplest tasks. Some leaders should to delegate a great deal of responsibility to those underneath them. While this strategy can free up time for the manager, it can also lead to increased mistakes. If the leader delegates too much responsibility, it can overwhelm the lower-level employees and lead to issued. It can also create an unorganized environment in the workplace because this often leader to the leader being absent. Since the lower employees are authorized to do more, the leaders role is diminished. Nurse leaders to guide effectively without hand-holding or condescension, rather than simply telling subordinates what to door not just instructing. He demonstrate the utmost fairness in all situations, they grow more confident both in his leadership performances. The leaders must deal with many kinds of people as doctors and other medical settings. They must cultivate excellent listening skills and the further develop empathy and compassion they possess. When dealing with families and patients, the leaders must exhibits the utmost professionalism without losing touch of their humanity and ability to make an emotional connection. A new nurse as leaders is the fact that effective leaders are also proficient clinically. The new nurses can incorporate leadership fundamentals while developing competency in their profession in exploring the Synergy model Kerfoot (2001) contend, A leader cannot provide direct good care. The leaders obligation is to create the environment in which good people can provide good care, Healthcare management can benefit from examples of the other successful corporate habits in organization The book Built to Last, a study of successful corporate habits indicates that continuity of leader and on-going leadership development contribute significantly to success of an organization. In a follow-up research book, Good to Great, Hersey, P, Blanchar K. (2002) describe a level 5 leader as one who states that level 5 leadership is one of the key determinants of organization greatness. How staff members perceive nurse-manager is critical to recruitment and retention efforts. Effective leaders use successful strategies for time management. Often leaders allow minutes and hours to be wasted on nonessential tasks such as opening mail, filing, and responding to noncritical requests from other. Effective leader is use self-discipline to organize these tasks and assign priority to projects that product result. By learning from management experts such as Stephen Covey, nurses can perfect their time management skills. In his book, The 7 Habit of Highly Effective People, describe the time management matrix that encourages leaders to focus most of their time on noncurrent activities. A leader can use time efficiently while building staff members self-esteem, as exemplified by the concept of 1 minutes praise described in the One Minutes Manager finding creative, quick, and individual ways to thanks staff members, colleagues, and customer is an important leader skill. The personal acknowledgement of staff members builds morale and improves retention. Communication occurs through speech, nonverbal signal, and written documentations. It is essential that leaders disseminate and interpret information quickly and accurately. A 2 year study of Chilean nurse leader suggested that leadership is characterized by exerting a positive influence on others through good communication. At the root of effective communication is delivering the message in such a way that the listener will hear it. Strategies effective decision making such as help leaders understand intuitive decision-making strategies. There are also tool such as the decision tree and force-field analysis that help a group analyse data and options when solving problems. Educating leaders and team members about different decision-making strategies cultivates critical-thinking skills. These tools encourage teams to remain focused as the team members evaluate possible solutions. Creation Skills used by nurse leader create opportunity, value, relationships, and quality for their employees and organizations, for example, implementing a formalized mentor training program to increase the retention of new staffing is creative approach to retention. If a manager does not have a creative solution to a particular situation, the manager should be able to identify these qualities in others so that ideas for improvement are still brought forth for evaluation and implementation Create opportunity for employees that leaders are only as effective as the employees who work for them. A part of a leaders role is to create opportunity to encourage employees personal and professional growth. Brunt provides an overview of the America Nurses Associations scope of standard of practice for professional development of nurses. Leading others by example and role-modelling can be effective. Promoting collaborative practice creates opportunities, especially in the areas of relationships between Doctor and nurses. Create quality through continuous improvement and error reduction should not be hidden in the basement and emergency only before the accreditation survey. A focus on quality and error reduction should be everywhere: in units, at meeting and others. Leader should encourage employees to continually challenge the status quo. Everyone should continually use organizational process improvement, root-cause analysis tools, and creative teamwork to improve process. This goal is accomplished by mentoring, leading by example, and designing reward system that encourage this behaviour. Many organizations are using Six Sigma, a data-drive method of identifying and reducing defects errors such as define, measure, analyze, improve as the steps to improved operations that fall standards. To create relationships with strategic partners with understanding the relationship with partners is imperative. The organizations must find partners with synergies, enter into contacts with person that fill a void in the organization, and then capitalize on the expertise available. It is often best to control partner relationships, not ownership. The doctor are valuable partners, leader-leaders should strive to understand doctor, and help them succeed, incorporate them into hospital process such as operational analysis, error reduction and solution identification. 5.0 Conclusion Today hospitals are struggling operationally and financially. The reasons are complex and multifaceted. Training leaders is an effective way to proactively address operational inefficiencies and ineffective practices in human resources. Leaders should be encouraged to identify their own weakness and use these skills and tools to develop and promote competency. In order to strengthen nurse leaders for nurses and managers should include leadership skills and expectations. Leadership education and training should be one of many initiatives related to process improvement that incorporate research, best practices, and methods that inspire our current and future leaders. An important moral imperative to ensure that our healthcare organizations are led by individuals and team who display relational skills, concern for their employees as persons, and who can work collaboratively to achieve a preferred future for themselves, patients and organization . The healthcares faces a looming shortage of leaders, nurses and other healthcare professionals to implementing strategies to ensure effective leadership is paramount. The developing and promoting viable nursing leadership for future, organizations can achieve the goal of providing quality care for healthcare consumers. The findings suggest that by investing energy into relationships with nurses, relation leaders positively affect the health and well-being of their nurses and, ultimately and outcomes for patients The nurses must use their leadership behaviour to positively influence organizational outcome and need to appreciate the inter-relationship between developing nursing practice, improve quality of care and optimizing patient outcomes. Healthcare organizations need nurse leaders who can develop nursing care, are an advocate for the nursing professions and have a positive effect on healthcare through leadership. In Word Counted 3197 (Excluded Table Of Content Reference)

Friday, October 25, 2019

Radio Essay example -- essays research papers

Radio Radio becomes Americas second national mass medium after magazines -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  99% of American’s homes have radios -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  95% of American’s cars have radios -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  40% of Americans listen to the radio between 6 am and midnight -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  7% of Americas bathrooms have radios in them Radio: A technological Leap 1835 Samuel F. B. Morse demonstrates his electromagnetic telegraph system March 10, 1876 Alexander Graham Bell sent a message to his associate Thomas Watson with the aid of his new invention, the telephone Heinrich Hertz experiments with radio waves that become known as Hertzian waves and leads to the development of radio broadcasting Guglielmo Marconi used Morse, Bell, and Hertz ideas to transmit waves without the aid of wires In 1912David Sarnoff relayed news from Nantucket Island that he received distress calls from the Titanic on his Marconi wireless device Federal Government Polices the Airwaves Federal government decided to regulated broadcasting almost as soon as it was invented The Radio Act of 1912 required licenses for people who wanted to broadcast or receive messages KDKA Launches Commercial Broadcasting October 27, 1920 the U.S. Department of Commerce used the powers of the Radio Act of 1912 to license KDKA as the nations first commercial station The Radio Audience Expands Quickly In 1922 Americans spent $60 million on receivers More than 500 stations began broa...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

College and Bennett Essay

Bennett, who had a Master_s degree in engineering, wanted to exploit an idea of his to combine a refrigerator, freezer, and 500-watt microwave oven into a single unit for sale to college students. Bennett was aware that many colleges had rigid policies against cooking in student dormitories because of the risk of fire posed by hot plates. According to the National Fire Protection Association, there were over 1,600 fires annually on college campuses. Bennett had devised electronic circuitry that shut off power to the refrigerator/freezer whenever the microwave oven was switched on. In this way, the unit would never pull more than 10 amps of current. By comparison, a hot plate in tandem with a refrigerator drew about 20 amps. His proposal (see illustration) was for a compact appliance weighing 87 pounds and under 4 feet in height. He approached General Electric, Amana and other domestic appliance manufacturers without success, but Samsung Electronics and Sanyo Electric were willing to discuss terms for offshore manufacture provided Bennett agreed to pay upfront for all specialized jigs, dies, and tools. Sanyo offered to supply him at a landed price of $263. 00 per unit, and estimated the upfront tooling payment at about $170,000. Bennett tentatively added a $300,000 budget to cover his first year of selling and administration, and $60,000 for incorporation, patents, and other start-up legal costs. He hoped to be able to set a price to the next level of the distribution channel that would earn him a return of 15% on the selling price, or $309 on Sanyo_s landed price. Early in his explorations, Bennett asked Boston_s Atlantic Research to conduct interviews with 200 Massachusetts college students. He found that, although most schools had rigid policies against cooking in dorm rooms, 90% of his respondents nevertheless used hot plates and other hazardous appliances. His research found that students liked the concept of the MicroFridge and would pay extra to have one. A majority (52%) said they would be _likely_ or _very likely_ to accept an increase of $75 per year in dorm rates to have the use of one, and at $50 per year the interest level was 90%. He met with college administrators at five local colleges, but initial responses were negative. One administrator feared that students would go off meal plans, and several pointed out that there was no student demand. The business manager at the University of Michigan commented, _We have not seen a group of students saying they want to have microwaves in their rooms. And that usually has to happen before we consider doing something like this. These days, we_re encouraging students to have computers. _ However, fires were a major concern to officials responsible for dormitories and, after administrators considered his data on students_ disregard for dorm rules, some attitudes softened. _You may have a good argument that a microwave can allow you some safe cooking in a student_s room,_ commented one. Bennett came away from the meetings hopeful that with the right approach he might persuade administrators to consider approving, or even adopting, his product. He wondered whether students were the market, or whether colleges would buy the units themselves, just as they bought dormitory furniture and fixtures. One administrator told him, _If we did bring in something like this, I_d be worried about buying from a new company like yours. You_ve got a refrigerator and a microwave that_s totally redesigned. You say the product life should be seven years, but this power switch has never been done before. Will this microwave last seven years or will it last three years? _ If dormitory administrators would not buy, the product seemed likely to have eye appeal and so sales through appliance retailers might be a possibility. Across the United States about 20 independent distributors sold appliances to retail stores, typically taking a margin of 15% of the price to the retailer. Retailers generally set a price to the consumer that earned them a margin of 30% on the retail price. One evening Bennett polled guests at a small Super 8 Motel at an isolated location along the Boston _ Providence freeway. Would they be willing to add $3 to their room rate to have a MicroFridge unit in the room? Most of those he spoke to said they would. Bennett sought out the advice of the general partner of a venture investing firm in Boston. The partner declined to invest. _You_ve no experience. And it_s quite different from the high-tech venture deals that we ordinarily look at. This is essentially a distributor business with inherently low margins and relatively high cash flow risks. It would require a fair amount of handholding if we got involved. Because of your lack of experience it makes a lot of sense to use only distributors and not keep house accounts [customers served directly by the manufacturer]. Any time you have house accounts you create problems with your distributors. You have enough other risks that you shouldn_t risk your distribution channels. _ Ms. Bennett, who worked as a financial manager at a major regional bank, was cool to her husband_s idea. _For this you want to give up a secure job and take on the headaches of meeting.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

German Automobile Industry Background Essay

The automobile industry in Germany was born on in the earlier 1886 when the first â€Å"vehicle powered by a gas engine† was assembled and registered. 125 years has passed, and with it the industry has acquired an incredible growth and global recognition. The industry now is one of the most powerful and reliable of the world that actually competes â€Å"vis a vis† with the one of the most dominant car industries of the world: Asian automobile industry. The German automobile industry is one of the stronger and successful industries in the world, it is the fourth global manufacturer in terms of volume (numbers of cars assembled) after China, United States and Japan. In fact, German automobile industry is responsible for of the manufacturing of 17% of the total global car production. Furthermore, it represents the main sector of Germany’s economy (main driver of growth) as well as the largest automotive market in the whole European continent. One of the key factors of success of this industry has been the large budgets invested in automotive development and research, which has allowed them to manufacture and offer vehicles with latest technology that in most of the cases fits better with consumer insights; in other words, an evolutionary process of application of innovation and cutting-edge technology has lead into one of the main industries in Germany. A good example of this fact is the development of environmental friendly vehicles, which makes â€Å"Germany the most innovative auto nation in the world†. German cars are known globally due to its attributes in terms of comfort, luxury, security, efficiency, reliability, design and image. In addition, the industry counts with one of the higher qualified labor forces, as well as modern infrastructures and research facilities. The industry actually employ 747,600 people just within Germany, and this rate is increasing sharply over the years. The result, Europe’s largest automobile market: about 5. 4 million passenger cars manufactured in 2012; 46 automobile assembly and engine production plants with a capacity over one third of the total automobile production in Europe. Giving the importance of German automobile industry is not a surprise to find some of the most influent companies of the world setting their headquarters and principal assembly plants in the country. The market is dominated by Audi, BMW, Ford Germany, Mercedes Benz, Opel, Porsche and Volkswagen. All these companies have a common characteristic: global demand. Therefore, even when domestic economy is huge –including Germany and the European Union- the industry growth is predominantly due to the exports of vehicles to other countries. Also, as well as the manufacturing of passenger cars, the industry in comprised in an important proportion by the manufacturing and trade of auto parts. The latest reports indicate that last January was a historic month for German automotive industry in which they experienced a sharp increase in demand due to past few years’ trends that have been defining market behavior. Audi and Mercedes Benz sold more cars around the world in January than any corresponding month in the past. The Volkswagen subsidiary Audi sold 117,500 cars, the higher quantity of monthly sales in its history. Also, it increased the worldwide distribution by 16% the same month. The trend was indicating in the past years a significant growth in trade especially with the Asian market, last January the trend was confirmed. Even though the sales increase in all regions, in China the increase was of 38. 5%. Giving this, is possible to identify the markets that represent the clusters of largest demands of German cars as: Asia (mainly China), US and Europe. Bibliography Bibliography IANS. (2013, 02 13). German Cars in Global Demand. Retrieved from Zeebiz. com: http://zeenews. html Invest, G. T. (n. d. ). Automotive Industry. Retrieved from Germany Trade and Invest : http://www. gtai. de/GTAI/Navigation/EN/Invest/Industries/Logistics-mobility/automotive. html Invest, G. T. (n. d. ). The Automotive Industry in Germany. Retrieved from Ixpos. de: http://www. ixpos. de/IXPOS/Content/EN/Your-business-in-germany/_SharedDocs/Downloads/automotive-industry-in-germany. pdf.